I Applied For A Property And Need A Guarantor. What Happens If I Don't Get The Accommodation I've Applied For?

We will contact your prospective Landlord to obtain signed contracts prior to you paying your  guarantor fee. Therefore, you'll know in advance if the Landlord is happy to proceed.

If you have already been approved by our team and your accommodation falls through we can change your application for you to update the property details.

Please note in the event that the new rental amount is greater than the original amount we will need to reassess your application based on the information provided.

Should you need to change the property after you have already paid the fee and completed your application, you can still do so as long as the tenancy has not yet begun.  We will contact the Agent or Landlord for confirmation of this and can then change this for you.  Please note there may be an administration charge for this.  

If the tenancy did begin, you will be unable to port the guarantor to a different property.